I would dream about the day I was going to tell Michael we were pregnant!
We didn’t tell anyone we were going to start trying! I’m so glad we didn’t and would highly recommend doing the same! Negative pregnancy tests, emotions, symptoms, and doctor appointments were hard enough.
TMI I know, but just being real! Michael and I were watching a movie on a Saturday night. The next day I was supposed to start my period. I said to him my boobs are really sore! This was the first month I waited until my expected period to actually take a pregnancy test.
The next morning we slept in a little bit and when we woke up Michael said let’s go to the Beltline! It was a nice sunny January day in Atlanta, so I thought it was a great idea! I told him I was craving sushi at Poke Burri and asked if we could grab that before heading out for our walk? He agreed! Michael went downstairs to make breakfast and some coffee. He always brings me a cup while I get ready.
I thought to myself if I’m supposed to start my period today and if we’re going for sushi maybe I should take a test just in case? I honestly didn’t think I was pregnant and I didn’t tell Michael I was going to take a test. But I did and hid it behind the tissue box (like who was I hiding it from anyway?). I honestly forgot about it for a second and when I was finished with my makeup I remembered and peeked over at the test…
We’re pregnant!
Week 4
…seeing the word, YES. My whole body went numb, my heart racing out of my chest and I was shaking with excitement! I was stranded upstairs knowing any minute Michael was going to walk upstairs with my coffee. I was thinking do I tell him now, do I wait and surprise him later in the day? Honestly all of my cute ideas went out the window when I heard him coming up the stairs.
I jumped on the bed with the test behind my back trying not to give it away! I was filming him and he was like what in the world are you doing? I said come sit down! He immediately knew! We screamed and immediately told Maci to jump up with us as we told her the news.
We are on cloud 9!
Week 5
Morning sickness or as I like to call it a permanent hangover! It lasts all day and actually gets worse at night!
It started at exactly five and a half weeks for me and finally let up around week 14 with nausea still lingering at night. I’m praying it ends all together around week 20!
I’ve stayed active throughout my whole first trimester attending OrangeTheory Fitness 3 – 4 times a week.
Week 6
I have two major cravings! Chicken salad sandwiches and bagels with cream cheese! I’m pretty sure I kept Chicken Salad Chicks in business for three months and never used to like cream cheese! Absolutely nothing else sounded good, but I would eat anything that was made for me if that makes sense. Thanks to my husband for keeping me alive!
Week 7
My friend, Ashley, visited me in Atlanta over President’s Day weekend and was the first person we told! Her reaction was the absolute best too! We still had the best time and even made it out on the town a couple of nights!
These are the wine labels we bought to surprise our family and friends.
Week 8
The next weekend I went to Charleston, SC. for a Mother-Daughter trip! I took off a few extra days so I could drive to Charlotte first and tell my mom and dad in person! Since Michael had class I FaceTimed him making it special.
The next morning my sister arrived and I got to tell her before hitting the road for our trip! It was truly a trip we will never forget! There is honestly no one else I rather be on this journey with then my sister! Since she’s on her third baby girl in three years I definitely look up to her!
On our way home from Charleston we got in a car accident! I still don’t know how my moms car wasn’t totaled, but I thank God no one was extremely injured. We had sore necks, headaches and my sister and I were anxious to get to our doctors and check on the babies! Luckily the babies were fine!
Week 9
We made a weekend trip to Nashville to tell Michael’s parents in person!
Not even a week after the car accident I was getting up to go to Orangetheory Fitness like I do most days of the week and I passed out. Luckily Michael was home! He called the gym and I obviously didn’t go. Once my OB’s office opened I called them to try and be seen. Since I was just in an accident and because I fell and hit my head they refused to see me and insisted I go to the ER.
I called the OB back three times begging not to go. Their reasoning was that they couldn’t get results fast enough like the ER could. It was now 2:30pm and Michael had been back to work since 11am. I finally agreed to go to the ER to get checked and I’m glad I did! Michael was such a trooper. They took me right back and immediately started testing.
In the end we both checked out A ok! Looking back I’m grateful for that experience. I’m honestly terrified of the hospital and didn’t know how I would ever make it to the delivery room! I’ve never been admitted to the hospital and this experience warmed me up! I can now say I’m a little more comfortable. I strongly believe everything happens for a reason, don’t you?
That same week we decided to start talking about moving. I say that loosely because we would have both been fine staying in our townhome for at least another year. We met with our realtor and agreed to look at two neighborhoods that week.
Week 10
Like I mentioned in my Gender Reveal post I knew I wanted to know the gender as soon as I could. Well that week was finally here! I had an appointment to draw my blood for the tests! They took 12 tubes of blood! That’s another thing I have to get used to I suppose. I had the MaterniT21 PLUS test for the baby and myself screened for over 200 carrier diseases.
All testing came back negative and we feel so blessed!
Week 11
We’re moving! We fell in love with the first neighborhood we looked at and even though moving was just a conversation at this point, it felt right! We both agreed that we were outgrowing our space, but wouldn’t mind staying put for another year! There were two homes in that neighborhood we were back and forth on for different reasons until one day we found the one! This one had the bones already built with a floor plan that was perfect for us. We still got to pick all of our finishes! Since timing for us was huge this was a win! We couldn’t be more excited!
P.S. More to come on our new home!
Gender Old Wives Tales
Chinese Calendar – Boy
Heart Rate > 140 – Girl
Salty Cravings – Boy
Nausea – Girl
Pencil Test- Boy
Breaking Out – Girl
No Moodiness – Boy
Week 12
It’s a boy! Check out the recap of my Donut Themed Gender Reveal party! The whole pregnancy I would refer to this little babe as a boy! It was so crazy to experience such strong maternal feelings. Baby boy we can’t wait to meet you!
Week 13
Our house is for sale!
My mom came into town to help me get the house “show” ready! She spent countless hours scrubbing baseboards, cleaning windows, planting flowers, and packaging up things we didn’t need to insure the house would show! Since we’ve moved around our whole life she is a professional at this! I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without her help!
Not even 24 hours later we received 2 full price offers and had a signed contract in hand! This was a huge relief and another sign everything was meant to be!
So much has happened during my first trimester! Staying really busy helped keep me distracted from how bad I felt. As I type this I can’t believe it’s over, however at times I felt like it would never end!
Thank you for all the love over these last several months! We are so grateful to be surrounded by so much love and support!
Inspired, Maryashley