Things that helped me during my pregnancy:
- Diclegis
- Breathe Right nasal strips
- Pepcid (first thing in the morning and before dinner)
- Warm epsom salt baths
- Humidifier
- Pillow for in between your legs
- Arm brace at night for carpel tunnel
- Chiropractic care
11/20 – 4/9 Got pregnant on our 4th full period cycle.
4/8 Started to experience period like cramps. Thought I was going to start my period. Couldn’t sleep at all and was up all night wondering if I was pregnant or not. If I had a pregnancy test at home I would have taken one! I didn’t say anything to Michael because I wanted to surprise him!!
4/9 9am Positive pregnancy test!!! I swung by Julie’s house after dropping Brooks off a daycare to take a pregnancy test. Around 11:30am I started spotting. I called the OBGYN and talked to the nurse on duty. She said since I’m about to leave town to just monitor the bleeding and if it continues to come in for bloodwork on Monday. Luckily it went away after about an hour, but I was so worried.
We were headed to Charlotte for the weekend later that afternoon, so I called my mom and told her I was pregnant and wanted to surprise Michael! I asked her if she would make a Masters caddie onesie and wrap it! She absolutely nailed it!
Around 6pm we arrived in Charlotte and I got to surprise Michael!!!
How I Surprised Michael
We both agreed on when we would start trying for baby #2, but when it’s actually going to happen you never know. I didn’t keep him in the know each month because I really wanted this one to be a surprise!
I was scheming ways to surprise him and the week leading up to Masters weekend I just had a feeling I was pregnant.
We headed to Charlotte for the weekend, so before we left that Friday I took a test. I was right! I called my mom and said, I’m pregnant! Here’s how I need your help! I wanted to do something around the Masters since that’s how Michael likes to think we came up with the name Brooks I knew exactly what I wanted. I asked if she could embroider a onesie to look like the Masters caddy outfits. She nailed it (like she always does!)
Crazy enough it was also the week Michael started his new job. I said when we get into town we will all sit down and catch up like we normally do and I want you to hand Michael a congratulations gift for starting his new job so he’s thrown off. It worked! Michael slowly opened the gift, put the two and two together and tears of joy started flowing! It was truly so special! My mom hadn’t told anyone, so my dad got to be surprised in that moment as well!
4/12 Increasing appetite, weakness, exhaustion, slight nausea, and some cramping. Boobs were sore when I breastfed Brooks.
4/21 My slight nausea became intense all-day nausea. (spoiler alert: lasted the whole rest of my pregnancy!)
4/23 had my first appointment to confirm the pregnancy with my Dr.! It was a 2-hr. appointment. He did a vaginal swab for infection. Took all my labs 6 tubes of blood. Practice doesn’t standardly provide ultrasound this early at first appointment, but he wanted to since I had bleeding during implantation. Baby was 5 weeks 6 days heartbeat was about 105. A little blood spot was found, but Dr. wasn’t worried and told me not to be either.
Scheduled my next appointment (5/18) for an ultrasound and Panorama, which is a blood test for trisomy disorders and gender.
4/24 Slept in and napped when brooks napped. Extremely nauseous and tired. Breasts are becoming less sore when breastfeeding brooks
4/25 Started to feel extremely nauseous around 3pm. At 5pm started throwing up and threw up everything I had inside me. Felt a little better after that but still extremely nauseous. Ate saltines and ginger ale.
Dr. prescribed me Diclegious and I took that twice a day.
4/30 and 5/1 Had a few good days, felt a little better, and got out and about.
5/2 Back to being extremely tired and nauseous.
5/6 Had my first call with my assigned Cigna nurse through our companies Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies program.
5/18 9-weeks. OBGYN appointment with Dr. Ultrasound, Panorama blood test, and meeting with my Dr. I have an anterior placenta. Normal just the placement of my placenta.
My Dr. came in and told me that the ultrasound had detected nuchal edema in the first trimester may identify fetuses at increased risk for chromosomal defects. Ultrasound failed the NT test. I was by myself at the appointment since COVID they didn’t allow any visitors. My heart sank and I started crying. I called Michael right away. It was hard for both of us to grasp especially after seeing the strong heartbeat and baby bean on the ultrasound just minutes prior.
They are having the genetic counselor call me to schedule and appointment week of June 1st after the Panorama results come in. We have to wait and see if this corrects itself. It’s hard we’re emotional. Still nauseous and exhausted.
5/19 scheduled my Georgia Perinatal appointment for 6/3 at 1pm with Dr. Tiegen. Perinatologist / Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialists are Obstetrician-Gynecologists who undergo an additional three years of specialized training in the assessment and management of high-risk pregnancies. Physicians who practice Maternal-Fetal Medicine are also known as Perinatologists.
5/18 – 5/24 Extremely emotional, emotional/sick to my stomach, morning sickness, and couldn’t stop worrying about the baby.
5/24 My Dr. called me 3 times and finally left me a voicemail saying he has no bad news!! I called him back and talked to him late that afternoon and we received the best news! My blood tests came back negative/low risk!!!! He still wants me to see the Perinatologist on 6/3 at 1pm for the additional confirmation, but Michael and I are overjoyed!
Gender Reveal!
5/27 Gender reveal! We were on vacation in Naples, FL. And since we got the news earlier than expected that baby girl was healthy, we had our neighbors go inside our house grab Brooks’ big brother outfit, and the gender reveal golf ball we bought. They had it all mailed it to us! We have the best neighbors and friends! We received the package and immediately got ready! We went outside of Michael’s parents Naples home on the golf course and found out…
I knew it! I had a strong feeling about both of the kiddos. I knew Brooks was a boy and this was a girl! We FaceTimed with our families and then went out to dinner to celebrate! It was a great day and we feel so truly blessed. We can’t wait to meet you sweet girl!
6/3 11-weeks. My first Perinatologist appointment. An hour before the appointment they called and said they are now allowing a support person to come to appointments, so Michael got to be there! We met with a genetic counselor first. Then had a 2D ultrasound with a technician. Following that the Dr. came in and did his own ultrasound. We immediately got the best news ever! He didn’t see anything alarming! Strong heartbeat and growing perfectly! I honestly felt a ton of bricks were lifted! I just melted into the ultrasound table in such relief!!
Since the original diagnosis the Perinatologist team wanted to do the rest of my ultrasounds. I booked my 20-week anatomy scan with the team and at the same time she will have an echocardiogram (just standard procedure) that comes with this original diagnosis, but said it’s nothing to worry about at all!
We’re over the moon!
6/7 Got a cold. Took Tylenol when needed and drank 2 EmergencC a day, drank Echonasea tea w honey and went to bed early. Body aches, tickle in my throat. Felt better on 6/13.
6/9 My morning sickness became even worse in the late afternoons and evenings. Still have full all-day nausea.
6/14 Since I had Gestational Diabetes with my first pregnancy. Read about my Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis here . I had a 12-week glucose tolerance test. It was a 3-hour test L I was starving, queasy, and had a headache, but they gave me a room to myself so I got to lay down. The dr. said I looked great and overall had a good appointment. My left arm is already bruised.
7/25 I felt the baby move for the first time! We’re in Seaside, FL on vacation with my family.
7/26 Announced her first name, Lilly!
7/28 Michael and I both felt the baby for the first time and saw her kick outside of my belly!
8/3 20-week appointment with my Dr. I’ve gained 14 lbs so far and baby and I look great. I’m 20 weeks and 4 days.
9/17 27-weeks pregnant and took off my engagement ring. Left the bands on.
9/29 28-week Dr’s appointment. tdap vaccination and flu shot, got to listen to baby’s heartbeat on the doppler and had the 1-hour glucose tolerance test. Went to bed with full body aches from the 2 shots. Took Tylenol and didn’t sleep that well.
9/30 Gestational Diabetes diagnosis. Results from LabCorp came in and I have Gestational Diabetes again with my second pregnancy. I refused the 3-hour glucose retest and told them I’d proceed with the full diagnosis and treatment plan that I did with my first pregnancy.
10/15 31-weeks pregnant. Dr’s appointment. Reviewed blood sugars. Told me to keep another 2-week log and watch morning fasting levels. My morning fasting levels were the only levels that were off. If they were consistently high call and they will get me in with Georgia Perinatal.
Put me on a small dose of Metformin before bed for overnight fasting. They plan to take the baby at 39 weeks (December 10th) if I don’t go into labor before then.
11/7 Carpel tunnel started. I also had this with my first pregnancy.
11/9 33-weeks. 1st Non-Stress Test appointment for Lilly and she did amazing! I have a NST scheduled every week until delivery.
11/15 Started going to chiropractor 2x a week. Wish I’d started sooner!
11/20 Experiencing consistant lightening sensations down my legs.
11/24 25 lbs gained. More and more lightning sensations down my legs and feeling lots of pressure. Feeling a painful sensation and having continued pressure.
11/30 OBGYN appointment with my Dr. and told him about my lightning pains and pressure. I told him I didn’t want to be checked, but he insisted on checking me. I’m 50% effaced and 1 to 2 cm’s dilated.
12/3 Perinatal appointment went well and baby looked great!
12/7 Last OBGYN appointment. Measuring 3cm dilated and Dr. Gave me paperwork to come in on 12/12 for a scheduled induction. Praying we make it!
12/8 My mom gets into town for babies’ arrival!
12/9 Lost my mucus plug.
12/10 My last Perinatologist appointment. It went well and baby and I look great. Her heartbeat was 157 and she still has plenty of fluid. She weighed 7 lbs. 15oz.
Sharing some of my favorite bump picture memories below!
Lilly Ryann Fisher – Birth Story here!
And that’s a wrap! You complete us, Lilly Ryann Fisher!
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