Well things look a little different today than they did when Brooks came into the world so as it got closer to Lilly’s due date, I became more and more anxious! I really wanted a good experience and with the nurse shortages (thanks COVID…) I was starting to worry. I also really wanted to have my Dr. deliver Lilly! Like they say, you can’t predict when and how they will come into the world!
November 15th Started going to chiropractor 2x week.
November 20th Started feeling regular lightning sensations down my legs.
November 24th 25lbs gained. Feeling more and more lightning sensations down my legs and lots of pressure.
November 30th OBGYN appointment and was 50% effaced and 1 – 2cm’s dilated.
December 3rd Perinatoligist appointment went well and baby looks great!
December 7th My last OBGYN appointment. Measuring 3cm dilated and Dr. gave me paperwork to come into the hospital on December 12th for a scheduled induction. He’s on call 12/12 so praying Lilly comes then!!!
December 8th My mom came into town to be with us until after Christmas and my dad drove back and forth for three weekends in a row.
December 9th I lost my mucus plug.
December 10th Had my last Perinatologist appointment. Baby and I looked great. Her heartbeat was 157 and she had plenty of fluid. They measured her and she is weighing 7lbs 15oz. They say they can be off by 1 lb either way…
Since my Dr drew up paperwork for December 12th, I knew that December 10th was going to be my last day of work. So, I put my away message on and enjoyed the weekend with family, one more date night, and decorating the house for Christmas! This was also the last weekend with Brooks still being the only child.
I made it to Sunday, December 12th, when my Dr. was on call! I really really didn’t think I was going to make it, but I’m so glad I did! I’m 29 weeks and 1 day today.
Here it goes!
As directed by my Dr. I called the charge nurse station at Northside Hospital at 5:30 AM on December 12th to see if they had space for me to come in for my ‘scheduled’ induction. My Dr. told me that he has me on the list for an induction, but it wasn’t up to him what time they would have me come in. They didn’t have an available room, but asked me to call back at 8am. I called back at 8am and they still didn’t have any rooms available. I was getting anxious, but decided to round up my family and head out to brunch to keep myself busy. I at least wanted to have a good meal in my belly in case they called me to come in! We decided to take two cars in case they called me while I was out and we had to head there. We loaded up the cars with our things we were taking to the hospital and got in the car to head to Upbeet. We were driving out of the neighborhood and I noticed I had missed a call from the Hospital. I called them back and they told me to be there by 2:30pm.
I was SO RELIEVED and so excited to have my Dr. deliver baby Lilly!
I rode with my mom and Brooks and mom had said, “I think we have a sleeping baby.” I pushed myself up to turn and look back to see and felt a huge gush. I said oh shoot I peed myself. My mom looked at me and asked if I was sure my water didn’t break? I said, “No way!” However, I had just gone to the bathroom before leaving and this did feel different!
We got to Upbeet and I ordered a smoothie bowl and iced chai lattee and ordered the Guac it Out to eat at the hospital.
I was halfway through my bowl and had increasing pressure and went to the bathroom. When I got there there was another gush, but this time it was blood. I said to myself, “Holy cow, I’m in labor!” Another one of my kiddos coming on her own terms!
I calmy walked back to our table and said ok, we have to go to the hospital now! Michael and I got in the car after saying “see you soon” to Brooks and my parents. I called the hospital and they said they would get a room ready and to call my Dr. I called the Dr’s office and the nurse said she would let my Dr. know I was in labor and on my way in. He called me back within mins and said, “Way to go buddy! You did it! You’re going to have a baby today!” I was so excited and oh so relieved!
We made it to the hospital and I had intese pressure, but my contractions weren’t unbearable and were still 10mins apart.
As soon as we pulled up to the hospital, I tried to get out of the car myself but couldn’t! The contractions started to get more intense and closer together.
We checked into Northside Hospital at 12:30pm and were in our Labor & Delivery room by 12:45pm. My contractions were still about 10mins apart, but growing closer together and getting more intense.
Around 1pm our nurse, Hope, came in and introduced herself to us and got things started. She said I talked to your Dr. and he said we need to get your IV in before we start any paperwork, etc. We all knew it was going to go fast and with Brooks the IV was the worst part of our whole experience. Brooks’s birth story linked here.
By 1:24 pm, my IV was in and Hope drew the blood vials to test and administered a bag of fluids. At this time, my contractions were 2-3 mins apart and I couldn’t wait for that epidural.
1:35 pm – My Dr. came in for the first visit! I was so relieved to see him! Things already were going much faster and smoother than with Brooks!
2:10 pm – Epidural in (contractions 2-3 minutes apart). I have to say, I felt every bit of this epidural and it was the worst pain of my life. I wish I’d asked to be given a pain medication before it was put in! If you’re going into labor soon keep this in mind!
2:18 pm – I had my blood sugar taken. Since I had Gestational Diabetes again with this pregnancy they had to do this. My sugars were at 98, which was perfect.
2:25 pm – Catheter in.
2:50 pm – My blood pressure dropped so they gave me Phenylephrine to help increase my blood pressure. I was extremely nauseous, shaking uncontrollably, and freezing! The nurse brought me the only 2 heated blankets left and Michael laid both of our coats on top of me. I was so uncomfortable.
2:57 pm – My BP was still low at 88/43 so they gave me a second dose of Phenylephrine to help increase my blood pressure.
3:30 pm – After all of that, my contractions started to slow down to about 10mins apart. They say contractions can slow down once you have an epidural. They administered a small dose of pitocin.
4:00 pm – I was uncomfortable so the nuse flipped me to my other side since I was completely numb.
4:35 pm – I was fully dilated! The nurse told me to relax and she was going to call the Dr. He was 15mins away so I really tried to stay calm.
4:50 pm – My Dr. arrived and got suited up. It was so calm and was just the nurse, my Dr., Michael and me! Completely different than with Brooks. The light was low and my Dr. just said when you feel the next contraction lets start pushing.
5:02 pm – In 2 pushes and 7 mins, Miss Lilly Ryann Fisher was born at 5:02pm.
Joyfully Welcoming
Lilly Ryann Fisher
Born December, 12th 2021 at 5:02pm
8 pounds | 5 ounces | 19 3/4 inches
Apagar Score was an 8/9 on her first test. She’s already getting A’s. Lilly’s face was bruised because she came down really fast, but has the most perfect round head and features!
We thought we would just be in the hospital one night, but Lilly saw the Peditrician in the morning and they want us to stay another night so Lilly could be watched for jaundice and a heart murmur. They just want to make sure it resolved by the next morning.
Lilly was checked again and didn’t have jaundice (which I learned can be common with mamas with O+ blood type, which I have). The Peditrician wanted her to get an echocardiogram while in the hospital just to be sure the heart murmur wasn’t serious. It wasn’t until late in the afternoon on December 14th that we received her results and everything came back normal. Phew! We finally got the ok to go home!! We were already packed and ready to go but it took several hours to get our paperwork to go home.
At 5pm, we were home in time to welcome Brooks home from school with our newest family addition!!
Maci and Brooks got to meet baby Lilly and we celebrated with a pancake dinner!
Here’s a peek into Lilly’s first 48 hours!
Birth Story and first 48 hour Video HERE!
We’re so incredibly blessed!
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